How to size Your furnace/AC

Bigger isn’t always better!

Bigger isn’t always better,

its performance and efficiency that count. Before purchasing a replacement system you should always make sure your system is sized properly to match your needs and budget. Your Empower Comfort Consultant will thoroughly assess your home and comfort requirements to determine the proper size and make the appropriate recommendation. You can use the following tables to have a rough idea of What Size Fits Your House Better:

Furnace and Air Conditioner size for a Detached 2-story House
Detached House square footage *Furnace Output [BTU/hr]Air Conditioner size [ton]
Built after year 1980Built before year 1980Built after year 1980Built before year 1980
up to 1300 sq ft40,000 BTU/hr50,000 BTU/hr1.5 tonup to 2 ton
1300 to 1700 sq ft45,000 BTU/hrup to 55,000 BTU/hr1.5 ton2 ton
1700 to 2500 sq ft55,000 BTU/hrup to 65,000 BTU/hr2 to 2.5 ton2.5 ton
2500 to 3500 sq ftup to 65,000 BTU/hrup to 80,000 BTU/hr2.5 to 3 ton3 to 3.5 ton
3500 to 4500 sq ftup to 80,000 BTU/hrup to 100,000 BTU/hr3.5 to 4 ton4 to 5 ton
*The above square footages do not include the area of the basement

Furnace and Air Conditioner size for a S
emi-Detached  2-storey House
Semi-detached House square footage *Furnace Output [BTU/hr]Air Conditioner size [ton]
Built after year 1980Built before year 1980Built after year 1980Built before year 1980
up to 1500 sq ft40,000 BTU/hr50,000 BTU/hr1.5 tonup to 2 ton
1500 to 1800 sq ft50,000 BTU/hr55,000 BTU/hrup to 2 ton2 ton
1800 to 2200 sq ft55,000 BTU/hr60,000 BTU/hr2 tonup to 2.5 ton
2200 to 3000 sq ft60,000 BTU/hr70,000 BTU/hr2.5 ton2.5 to 3 ton
*The above square footages do not include the area of the basement.
Furnace and Air Conditioner size for a Bungalow
Bungalow Area [square feet] *Furnace Output [BTU/hr]Air Conditioner size [ton]
Built after year 1980Built before year 1980Built after year 1980Built before year 1980
up to 1200 sq ft40,000 BTU/hr50,000 BTU/hr1.5 tonup to 2 ton
1200 to 1500 sq ft50,000 BTU/hr55,000 BTU/hr2 ton2 ton
1500 to 1800 sq ft55,000 BTU/hr60,000 BTU/hr2 tonup to 2.5 ton
1800 to 2500 sq ft65,000 BTU/hr70,000 BTU/hrup to 2.5 ton2.5 to 3 ton
2500 to 3500 sq ft80,000 to 90,000 BTU/hr90,000 to 100,000 BTU/hr3 to 3.5 ton3.5 to 4 ton
* The above square footages do not include the area of the basement.

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