Carrier Performance Compact Air Conditioner

14 SEER for moderate energy savings with standard comfort features.

✓ 14 SEER and up to 12.2 EER for moderate energy savings.
✓ Standard comfort features to help keep you cool and comfortable.
✓ Offers standard humidity control
✓ Quite Operation
✓ 10-Year Warranty*




Performance™ 14 Compact Central Air Conditioner

Performance series air conditioners offer that perfect balance between budget limits you may have today and your desire for long-term energy savings.

This stackable unit is perfect for applications in multi-family housing and can sit as close to a wall as 6″ for spacing all the way around.

Overall Efficiency Not ENERGY STAR® certified
Cooling SEER 14
COOLING SEER2 Not applicable
Cooling EER up to 12.2
COOLING EER2 Not applicable
Compressor Type Single-stage
Sound Level (As Low As) 66 decibels

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